Student Attendance Requirements
Dear Blue Ridge Parent/Guardian:
Appropriately, last year’s online-only instruction required unprecedented flexibility, accounting for student attendance. However, with the return of in-person learning, the former rules and policies associated with student attendance are strictly enforced. Therefore, students demonstrating chronic absenteeism risk retention or must repeat classes and coursework. Moreover, participation in afterschool remediation programs and summer school may also be required for students exceeding the number of allowable absences. Additionally, students who fail to meet attendance requirements are subject to suspension or removal from team or club participation.
Furthermore, students under the age of 16, by Arizona statute, are compelled to attend school. Consequently, the respective principal refers students with excessive absences to the Court for violating the State’s truancy law.
Next, many students suffered from learning loss during the pandemic. Teachers work hard to help our kids get caught up. However, they are unable to do so when students are absent. We need your help!
Finally, providing quality education is among our schools’ top priorities. Please ensure your children attend school daily. Please note, you must call the school’s front office the day of the absence, or prior to the absence, if your child is absent due to illness; otherwise, your child’s absence is unexcused.
I appreciate your consideration. Should you have any questions, please get in touch with your child’s principal directly. Thank you.
Michael L. Wright Ed.D.