• Board Meetings
    Location: District Office Board Room 



     Please Note: Board Meetings are held on the SECOND Tuesday of every month.



    Regular Governing Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 11, 2025 @ 5:00 pm

    Date Change: Regular Governing Board Meeting, Tuesday, March 18, 2025 @ 5:00 pm






Message from the Superintendent

  • Image of Dr  L Wright Superintendent of Blue Ridge Unified School DistrictSometimes the challenges in front of us seem so daunting we really don’t know where to start. The temptation is to do nothing and silently hope for the best. Indecision and inaction can have a paralyzing effect and are enemies to innovation. Collecting the courage to overcome fear,doubt and uncertainty requires the very best of us. Fear and faith cannot occupy the same space; one inevitably gives way to the other. Ultimately, how we respond to difficulties defines our character. And how we treat each other during such moments determines our destiny. A great deal of pride yet lives in the hearts of our people, and rightfully so!  Blue Ridge is more than a school district or workplace - it’s an institution with a rich tradition and storied past. Recently, one of our teachers said it best: “We’re Blue Ridge, we do not follow, we lead; we set the standard!". Well said.

    So,what does our future hold in store, and where do we go from here? To a large degree, that’s up to us. Our most persistent thoughts and deepest convictions shape our attitudes. We can choose to focus on our problems,or view each perceived obstacle as a potential opportunity. The choice is ours. My time, energy and leadership will be focused on leveraging our strengths while surfacing new opportunities.

    My leadership philosophy is simple: Success is not an individual endeavor. Excellence is achieved through teamwork, hard work, collaboration and consistency; and sustained by enthusiasm, energy and passion

    In closing, it’s a privilege and honor to be entrusted with the leadership of the Blue Ridge family. Rest assured, I recognize all the great things currently happening within our schools today and I’m committed to honoring the positive traditions of our proud past.  Working together, we’ll create a bright future, a culture of caring and mutual respect. At Blue Ridge all should feel welcomed, valued and respected.  

    declaration to all is this:
    “Welcome to Blue Ridge; you are now home!”

    Make it a great day!

    Dr. Michael L. Wright
    Superintendent of Schools
    Blue Ridge Unified School District #32